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Shaping the phylogenetic tree of influenza by cross-immunity, и . Theoretical Population Biology, 70 (2): 164--173 (сентября 2006)Epidemic dynamics and antigenic evolution in a single season of influenza A, , , и . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273 (1592): 1307-1316 (2006)Genotypic proportions in hybrid zones, , и . Journal of Mathematical Biology, 33 (3): 225-249 (1995)A School-Oriented, Age-Structured Epidemic Model., и . SIAM J. Appl. Math., 65 (6): 1870-1887 (2005)Epidemiological Models with Age Structure, Proportionate Mixing, and Cross- Immunity, , , и . BU-991-M. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, (1989)The SIRC model and influenza A, , , и . Mathematical Biosciences, 200 (2): 152 - 169 (2006)Influenza drift and epidemic size: the race between generating and escaping immunity, , , и . Theoretical Population Biology, 65 (2): 179 - 191 (2004)