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Multiuser Scheduling over MIMO Nakagami-m Fading Channels: Capacity and BER Performance., , and . VTC Spring, IEEE, (2009)Adaptive modulation for OFDM systems using space-frequency block codes., and . WCNC, page 61-65. IEEE, (2003)Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks with Relay Selection over Rayleigh Fading Channels., , and . VTC Spring, IEEE, (2009)Physical layer secrecy of a cognitive radio with spatially correlated Alamouti OSTBC system., and . Phys. Commun., (2022)Enhanced physical layer security for cognitive radio systems through joint spectrum access and power allocation., , and . IET Commun., 14 (18): 3135-3142 (2020)Discrete-Rate Adaptive Multiuser Scheduling for MIMO-OFDM Systems., , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2008)BER Performance Analysis of Multiuser Diversity with Antenna Selection in MRC MIMO Systems., , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Performance Analysis of MIMO Schemes in 3GPP Long Term Evolution System., , and . Wireless Personal Communications, 82 (2): 1107-1125 (2015)Adaptive bit allocation for space-time block coded OFDM system., and . ICASSP (4), page 409-412. IEEE, (2003)Performance analysis of variable-rate adaptive modulation for AF opportunistic relaying under outdated CSI., , and . PIMRC, page 1753-1757. IEEE, (2011)