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Development of Information System for Textual Content Categorizing Based on Ontology., , , , , и . COLINS, том 2362 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 53-70., (2019)Defining Author's Style for Plagiarism Detection in Academic Environment., , , и . DSMP, стр. 128-133. IEEE, (2018)The User's Psychological State Identification Based on Big Data Analysis for Person's Electronic Diary., , , , и . CSIT (1), стр. 101-112. IEEE, (2021)Forecasting the Risk of Cervical Cancer in Women in the Human Capital Development Context Using Machine Learning., , , , , , , , , и . MoMLeT+DS, том 2631 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 491-501., (2020)Propaganda Detection in Text Data Based on NLP and Machine Learning., , , , и . MoMLeT+DS, том 2631 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 132-144., (2020)Optimization Model of the Buses Number on the Route Based on Queueing Theory in a Smart City., , , , , , , , , и . MoMLeT+DS, том 2631 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 502-515., (2020)Software Based on Ontological Tasks Models., , , и . ISDMCI, том 149 из Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, стр. 608-638. Springer, (2022)Knowledge Based Situation Awareness Process Based on Ontologies.. COLINS, том 2870 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 413-423., (2021)Methods and Models of Intellectual Processing of Texts for Building Ontologies of Software for Medical Terms Identification in Content Classification., , , , , , , , и . IDDM, том 2488 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 354-368., (2019)Algebraic Framework for Knowledge Processing in Systems with Situational Awareness., и . CSIT, том 512 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 217-227. Springer, (2017)