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Teaching graph algorithms to children of all ages.. ITiCSE, стр. 34-39. ACM, (2012)Software engineering as a model of understanding for learning and problem solving., и . ICER, стр. 87-97. ACM, (2005)Towards a Feature Interaction Algebra.. FIW, стр. 217-231. IOS Press, (1998)Lower bounds on the computational power of an optical model of computation., и . Nat. Comput., 7 (1): 95-108 (2008)Applying a Dependency Mechanism for Voting Protocol Models Using Event-B., , и . FORTE, том 10321 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 124-138. Springer, (2017)Engineering a Distributed e-Voting System Architecture: Meeting Critical Requirements., , и . ISARCS, том 6150 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 89-108. Springer, (2010)Formal object oriented development of software systems using LOTOS.. University of Stirling, UK, (1993)British Library, EThOS.A Critical Analysis of the Council of Europe Recommendations on E-Voting., и . EVT, USENIX Association, (2006)Explicit Modelling of Physical Measures: From Event-B to Java., и . IMPEX/FM&MDD, том 271 из EPTCS, стр. 64-79. (2017)Formal Requirements Engineering: Learning from the Students.. Australian Software Engineering Conference, стр. 171-180. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)