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Afterthoughts on 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' Inspired by King Vidor's Duel in the Sun. Framework, (1981)Cine, feminismo y vanguardia. Youkali, (2011)Dossier: Visual Pleasure at 40. Screen, 56 (4): 481--485 (декабря 2015)From a Faculty Seminar with Laura Mulvey: Reflections on Visual Pleasure. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 15 (4): 385--387 (2017)Looking at the Past from the Present: Rethinking Feminist Film Theory of the 1970s. Signs, 30 (1): 1286--000 (сентября 2004)From Cinephilia to Film Studies, и . Inventing Film Studies, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, (2008)