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Are Adult Learning Mechanisms Also Used for Development?, and . Science, (1992)Common molecular mechanisms in explicit and implicit memory, , and . Journal of Neurochemistry, (2006)The Molecular and Systems Biology of Memory., , and . Cell, 157 (1): 163--186 (Mar 27, 2014)Auf der Suche nach dem Gedächtnis. Bertelsmann Verlag, (October 2007)Early Experience and the Fine Tuning of Synaptic Connections, and . Principles of Neural Science, Elsevier, (1991)Principles of Neural Science, , and . McGraw-hill New York, (2000)Principles of Neural Science, , and . McGraw-Hill, 4. edition, (2000)Psychiatrie, Psychoanalyse und die neue Biologie des Geistes. Suhrkamp, (April 2006)Nerve Cells and Behavior. Principles of Neural Science, Elsevier, New York, (1991)Neuroscience thinks big (and collaboratively), , , , and . Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14 (9): 659--664 (September 2013)