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Fault-tolerant self-organized mechanism for networked reconfigurable MPSoC., und . CoDIT, Seite 774-777. IEEE, (2014)Comparison of segmentation techniques for histopathological images., , , und . DICTAP, Seite 80-85. IEEE, (2015)New hardware Cryptosystem based chaos for the secure real-time of embedded applications., , , und . SiPS, Seite 251-254. IEEE, (2011)Embedded hyperchaotic Lorenz generator for secure communications., , , und . NEWCAS, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2013)Power energy output prediction of small wind urban for decision making., , , und . CoDIT, Seite 1102-1106. IEEE, (2017)A scalable and embedded FPGA architecture for efficient computation of grey level co-occurrence matrices and Haralick textures features., , und . Microprocess. Microsystems, 34 (1): 14-24 (2010)A Li-Ion cell testbench for fast characterization and modeling., , , , und . CoDIT, Seite 562-565. IEEE, (2014)Strategic placement of reliable routers for the optimization of dependable dynamic NoC., , , und . ICECS, Seite 707-710. IEEE, (2011)Hardware Partitioning Software for Dynamically Reconfigurable SoC Design., , , und . IWSOC, Seite 106-111. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Experimental performance of mobile DVB-T2 in SFN and distributed MISO network., , , , und . ICT, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2012)