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Commodity taxation with administered and free market prices: theory and an application to China, и . Journal of Public Economics, 47 (2): 207--225 (марта 1992)Tariff design and reform in a revenue-constrained economy: Theory and an illustration from India. Journal of Public Economics, 47 (2): 227--251 (марта 1992)Restricted redistributive taxation, shadow prices and trade policy, и . Journal of Public Economics, 17 (1): 1--22 (февраля 1982)Investment and shadow pricing in a growing economy with tax restrictions, , и . Journal of Public Economics, 39 (3): 289--313 (августа 1989)Optimal taxation and public production in an open dual economy, и . Journal of Public Economics, 30 (3): 293--316 (августа 1986)A theory of interlinked rural transactions. Journal of Public Economics, 20 (2): 167--191 (марта 1983)