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Weak convergence of recursions

, , and . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 68 (1): 65--82 (May 30, 1997)

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Weak convergence of recursions, , and . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 68 (1): 65--82 (May 30, 1997)Query-Driven Horizontal Class Partitioning for Object-Oriented Databases., , and . DEXA, volume 1460 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 692-701. Springer, (1998)Ergodic control of degenerate diffusions, , and . Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 15 (1): 1--17 (1997)Stability in distribution and volume nullification of levy flow, , and . Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 15 (2): 151--186 (1997)Volume nullification and asymptotic flatnessof denerate diffusions, and . Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 14 (2): 131--148 (1996)Order selection of continuous time models: Applications to estimation of risk premiums., , and . CIFEr, page 293-300. IEEE, (2003)Jackknife Estimator for Tracking Error Variance of Optimal Portfolios., , and . Manag. Sci., 55 (6): 990-1002 (2009)An app based unified approach to enhance language comprehension and mathematical reasoning ability of the hearing impaired using contrast words., , , , , and . TENCON, page 1711-1716. IEEE, (2019)