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Pensions and population ageing. Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (1998)Wage growth and income tax revenue elasticities with endogenous labour supply, и . Economic Modelling, 22 (1): 21--38 (января 2005)Measuring wealth in a simple two-period model. Journal of Econometrics, 43 (1-2): 167--177 (00 1990)The economics of higher education. Elgar, Aldershot, Hants u.a., (1995)Modelling income distribution. Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (2002)Environmental taxes and economic welfare, и . New horizons in environmental economics Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (1997)Fiscal policy and social welfare. Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (1996)Behavioural Microsimulation with Labour Supply Responses, и . Journal of Economic Surveys, 16 (1): 1--39 (32 02 2002)doi: 10.1111/1467-6419.00158.The Built-in Flexibility of Income and Consumption Taxes, и . Journal of Economic Surveys, 16 (4): 509--532 (244 09 2002)doi: 10.1111/1467-6419.00176.Corporation tax buoyancy and revenue elasticity in the UK, и . Economic Modelling, 25 (1): 24--37 (января 2008)