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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Land Surface Albedo and Down-Welling Short-Wave Radiation Retrievals using High Frequency Observations from MSG Geostationary Satellite., , , , , und . IGARSS (5), Seite 487-490. IEEE, (2008)Land surface albedo from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) observations., , und . IGARSS, Seite 2617-2619. IEEE, (2003)Land surface parameters derived from SPOT/VEGETATION data for use in meteorological models., , , , und . IGARSS, Seite 579-581. IEEE, (2003)Land Surface Albedo from MSG/SEVIRI: Retrieval Method, Validation, and Application for Weather Forecast., , , , , , , und . IGARSS (4), Seite 288-291. IEEE, (2009)Multi-sensor data fusion for deriving bio-physical variables in the Cyclopes project., , , , , , , und . IGARSS, Seite 2524-2527. IEEE, (2004)Land surface albedo and downwelling shortwave radiation from MSG geostationary satellite: Method for retrieval, validation, and application., , , , , , , , , und 1 andere Autor(en). IGARSS, Seite 2673-2676. IEEE, (2011)Operational derivation of land surface albedo and down-welling short-wave radiation in the framework of the Land-SAF project., , , und . IGARSS, Seite 1707-1710. IEEE, (2004)