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Welfare economics. Professor Dr. F. de Vries lectures North-Holland Publ. u.a., Amsterdam u.a., 2. printing edition, (1975)Cost-benefit analysis. Unwin Hyman, London u.a., 4. ed edition, (1988)Elements of cost-benefit analysis. Allen and Unwin, London, (1972)Growth: the price we pay. Staples Press, London, (1969)Introduction to political economy. Hutchinson university library Hutchinson, London u.a., (1982)Cost-benefit analysis. Allen and Unwin, London, 3. ed edition, (1982)Cost-benefit analysis. Allen & Unwin, London, Rev. new ed., 2. ed., 4. printing edition, (1975)The economic growth debate. Allen & Unwin, London, (1977)Grundlagen der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse. Campus-Texte Campus-Verl., Frankfurt a.M. u.a., (1975)