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Particle Filter for Underwater Passive Bearings-Only Target Tracking with Random Missing Measurements., , and . ECC, page 2732-2737. IEEE, (2018)Nonlinear estimation with transformed cubature quadrature points., , and . ISSPIT, page 428-432. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Bearings-Only Tracking With Speed and Range Constraints., , and . EUSIPCO, page 2038-2042. IEEE, (2023)Nonlinear estimation using risk sensitive formulation of cubature quadrature Kalman filter., and . CCA, page 539-544. IEEE, (2013)Tracking an Underwater Target in a Large Surveillance Region With Sensor Location Uncertainty., , , and . IEEE Access, (2023)Cubature quadrature Kalman filter., and . IET Signal Process., 7 (7): 533-541 (2013)Ballistic target tracking and its interception using suboptimal filters on reentry., , , and . ISED, page 274-278. IEEE, (2016)Kalman Filtering for Descriptor Systems: An Alternative Approach and Application to Cell Level Estimation of a Lithium-ion Battery., , , and . CDC, page 2570-2575. IEEE, (2023)Maximum correntropy polynomial chaos Kalman filter for underwater navigation., , and . Digit. Signal Process., (2024)Functional Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for Linear Discrete-time Descriptor Systems., , and . FUSION, page 1-6. IEEE, (2024)