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Is a single graphemic buffer used in reading and spelling?, и . Aphasiology, (2003)The integration of information across lexical and sublexical processes in spelling, , и . Cognitive Neuropsychology, (2002)Phonologically-based errors and their implications in the specification of phonology to orthography conversion processes. Brain and Cognition, (1996)Word reading, , и . The handbook of cognitive neuropsychology: What deficits reveal about the human mind, Psychology Press, Philadelphia, (2001)Spelling words, и . What Deficits Reveal about the Human Mind/Brain: A Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Psychology Press, Philadelphia, (2001)Les dysgraphies centrales: Etat de la recherche et nouvelles perspectives (Central dysgraphias: Current state of the research and new directions). Approche cognitive des troubles de la lecture et de l'écriture chez l'adulte et chez l'enfant (Cognitive approach to the study of reading and spelling deficits in adults and children), Solal, Marseille, France, (1996)A case study of a graphemic buffer impairment affecting nonword reading, и . Brain and Language, (1994)