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A System Supporting the Human Divergent Thinking Process by Provision of Relevant and Heterogeneous Pieces of Information Based on an Outsider Model., , , and . IEA/AIE, page 575-584. ACM, (1995)A Virtual Space Teleconferencing System that Supports Intuitive Interaction for Creative and Cooperative Work., , , and . SI3D, page 115-122. ACM, (1995)A Palmtop Display for Dextrous Manipulation with Haptic Sensation., , and . CHI, page 126-133. ACM, (1996)Interactive skeleton extraction for 3D animation using geodesic distances., , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Research Posters, page 9. ACM, (2006)A Display Table for Strategic Collaboration Preserving Private and Public Information., , , , and . ICEC, volume 3711 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 167-179. Springer, (2005)Implementation of ActiveCube for Multi-modal Interaction., , , and . INTERACT, page 682-683. IOS Press, (2001)Recognizing Depression from Twitter Activity., , , , , and . CHI, page 3187-3196. ACM, (2015)MADO interface: a window like a tangible user interface to look into the virtual world., , , , and . TEI, page 175-180. ACM, (2009)SriShell Primo: A Predictive Sinhala Text Input System., , , and . IJCNLP, page 43-50. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2008)Visual reconstruction with adaptive and arbitrarily oriented meshes., and . ICPR (3), page 775-779. IEEE, (1992)