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A fuzzy video content representation for video summarization and content-based retrieval

, , and . Signal Processing, 80 (6): 1049--1067 (June 2000)

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Erratum to: Ä fuzzy video content representation for video summarization and content-based retrieval" Signal Processing 80(6) (2000) 1049-1067, , and . Signal Processing, 82 (4): 545--545 (April 2002)Adaptive multimedia content personalization., and . ISCAS (2), page 189-192. IEEE, (2004)Optimal decomposition of P2P networks based on file exchange patterns for multimedia content search & replication., , , and . Multimedia Information Retrieval, page 125-134. ACM, (2007)Requirements collection for the design and development of a pervasive water quality monitoring photonic device., , , and . PETRA, page 325-330. ACM, (2017)Iterative motion estimation constrained by time and shape for detecting persons' falls.. PETRA, ACM, (2010)A secure framework exploiting content guided and automated algorithms for real time video searching., , , , , , and . Multim. Tools Appl., 42 (3): 341 (2009)Video Content Representation using Optimal Extraction of Frames and Scenes., , , and . ICIP (1), page 875-879. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Angle spectrum for estimation of trajectory deviation using combined tracking and neural network labeling., , and . AREA, page 25-32. ACM, (2008)First ACM international workshop on analysis and retrieval of events, actions and workflows in video streams., , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 1147-1148. ACM, (2008)Tube-embodied gradient vector flow fields for unsupervised video object plane (VOP) segmentation., , , and . ICIP (2), page 637-640. IEEE, (2001)