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The history and performance of concept stocks, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (9): 2433--2469 (сентября 2006)Determinants and implications of arbitrage holdings in acquisitions, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 77 (3): 605--648 (сентября 2005)Target abnormal returns associated with acquisition announcements: Payment, acquisition form, and managerial resistance, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 19 (2): 329--349 (декабря 1987)Managerial performance, Tobin's Q, and the gains from successful tender offers, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 24 (1): 137--154 (сентября 1989)Short-term trading around ex-dividend days : Additional evidence, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 21 (2): 291--298 (сентября 1988)Dividend capture in NASDAQ stocks, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 28 (1-2): 39--65 (00 1990)A test of the free cash flow hypothesis: The case of bidder returns, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 29 (2): 315--335 (октября 1991)Divestitures and the liquidity of the market for corporate assets, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 64 (1): 117--144 (апреля 2002)Abnormal returns to rivals of acquisition targets: A test of the `acquisition probability hypothesis', и . Journal of Financial Economics, 55 (2): 143--171 (февраля 2000)Corporate governance and shareholder initiatives: Empirical evidence, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 42 (3): 365--395 (ноября 1996)