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Software Product Line Oriented Feature Map., , , , и . International Conference on Computational Science (2), том 4488 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1115-1122. Springer, (2007)Equivalent Statements of Two Multidimensional Hilbert-Type Integral Inequalities with Parameters., , и . Axioms, 12 (10): 956 (октября 2023)FRoG: Evaluating Fuzzy Reasoning of Generalized Quantifiers in LLMs., , и . EMNLP, стр. 7239-7256. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2024)Rapid simulations of atmospheric data assimilation of hourly-scale phenomena with modern neural networks., , , , , , , , , и 8 other автор(ы). SC, стр. 79:1-79:13. ACM, (2023)A Summary of the First Workshop on Language Technology for Language Documentation and Revitalization., , , , , , , , , и 14 other автор(ы). SLTU-CCURL@LREC, стр. 342-351. European Language Resources association, (2020)SPE: Symmetrical Prompt Enhancement for Fact Probing., , , , , и . EMNLP, стр. 11689-11698. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)An RDF-Based Publish/Subscribe System., , , , и . SKG, стр. 342-345. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)JTangPS: Content-Based Publish/Subscribe over Structured P2P Networks., , , , и . IDC, том 78 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, стр. 187-196. Springer, (2007)Implementation of Interceptor Based Resource Server for Software Product Line., , , , и . CSCWD, стр. 1105-1110. IEEE, (2007)Failure mode analysis of MEMS suspended inductors under mechanical shock., , и . Microelectron. Reliab., (2018)