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An environment for supporting automated electronic negotiations using ontologies and production rules.

, , and . WebMedia, page 303-312. ACM, (2006)

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Steps Towards the Gamification of Collaborative Learning Scenarios Supported by Ontologies., , , and . AIED, volume 9112 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 554-557. Springer, (2015)AIED Unplugged: Leapfrogging the Digital Divide to Reach the Underserved., , , , and . AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...), volume 1831 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 772-779. Springer, (2023)Gamiflow: Towards a Flow Theory-Based Gamification Framework for Learning Scenarios., , , , and . AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...), volume 1831 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 415-421. Springer, (2023)A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment., , , , , and . WWW (Companion Volume), page 911-916. ACM, (2016)An Agile Method for Developing OERs and Its Application in Serious Game Design., , , , and . HEFA, volume 832 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 192-206. Springer, (2017)Applications of convolutional neural networks in education: A systematic literature review., , , , , , , , and . Expert Syst. Appl., (November 2023)Helping Teachers Help Their Students: A Human-AI Hybrid Approach., and . AIED (1), volume 12163 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 448-459. Springer, (2020)A survey of security in multi-agent systems., , , , , and . Expert Syst. Appl., 39 (5): 4835-4846 (2012)A Context-Independent Ontological Linked Data Alignment Approach to Instance Matching., , , , and . Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst., 18 (1): 1-29 (2022)EmAP-ML: A Protocol of Emotions and Behaviors Annotation for Machine Learning Labels., , , and . EC-TEL, volume 11722 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 495-509. Springer, (2019)