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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Genetic algorithm to select features for fuzzy ARTMAP classification of evoked EEG., und . APCCAS (2), Seite 53-56. IEEE, (2002)Energy of Brain Potentials Evoked During Visual Stimulus: A New Biometric?, und . ICANN (2), Volume 3697 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 735-740. Springer, (2005)Time-Frequency Feature Fusion for Noise Robust Audio Event Classification., , , , und . Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 39 (3): 1672-1687 (2020)Predicting students' final degree classification using an extended profile., und . Educ. Inf. Technol., 24 (4): 2357-2369 (2019)Passive Tracking of Gait Biomarkers in Older Adults: Feasibility of an Acoustic Based Approach for Non-Intrusive gait Analysis., , , , , und . BSN, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Wavelet Lifting over Information-Based EEG Graphs for Motor Imagery Data Classification., , und . PhyCS (Selected Papers), Volume 8908 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 3-19. Springer, (2014)Motion Sickness Reduction through Vibro-motor Reprocessing Therapy: A First Study., , und . NER, Seite 937-940. IEEE, (2021)Considerations on Strategies to Improve EOG Signal Analysis., und . Int. J. Artif. Life Res., 2 (3): 6-21 (2011)VEP optimal channel selection using genetic algorithm for neural network classification of alcoholics., , und . IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 13 (2): 486-491 (2002)Approximate entropy as an indicator of non-linearity in self paced voluntary finger movement EEG., und . IJMEI, 5 (2): 103-116 (2013)