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Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay

, , and . RFC 1490 (Draft Standard), (July 1993)Obsoleted by RFC 2427.

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Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay, , and . RFC 1294 (Proposed Standard), (January 1992)Obsoleted by RFCs 1490, 2427.Signal Propagation Time through Hollow-Core Fibres and its Low Sensitivity to Temperature, , , , , , and . PHOTONICA2017 The Sixth International School and Conference on Photonics & COST actions: MP1406 and MP1402 &H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 CARDIALLY workshop, page 32. Institut za nuklearne nauke VINCA, (2017)Inverse Address Resolution Protocol, and . RFC 1293 (Proposed Standard), (January 1992)Obsoleted by RFC 2390.Ultralow Thermal Sensitivity of Phase and Propagation Delay in Hollow-Core Fibres, , , , , , and . Optical Communication (ECOC), 2017 European Conference on, page 1--3. IEEE, (2017)Inverse Address Resolution Protocol, , and . RFC 2390 (Draft Standard), (September 1998)Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay, , and . RFC 1490 (Draft Standard), (July 1993)Obsoleted by RFC 2427.Control of Stem Cell Fate by Physical Interactions with the Extracellular Matrix, , , , , and . Cell Stem Cell, 5 (1): 17--26 (2009)Expressing performance requirements using regular expressions to specify stochastic probes over process algebra models., , and . WOSP, page 49-58. ACM, (2004)Analysis of Non-product Form Parallel Queues Using Markovian Process Algebra., and . Network Performance Engineering, volume 5233 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, (2011)A Ticking Clock: Performance Analysis of a Circadian Rhythm with Stochastic Process Algebra.. EPEW, volume 5261 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 79-94. Springer, (2008)