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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Proof-of-Activity Consensus Protocol Based on a Network's Active Nodes Indication., , , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 2623 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 239-251., (2020)A graph-based vulnerability detection method., , , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 3675 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 343-355., (2024)A Framework for Detection of MitM Cyberattacks in Smart Grid Networks Based on the Application of the Ensemble Process for Feature Selection., , , und . DESSERT, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Detecting Software Malicious Implant Based on Anomalies Research on Local Area Networks., , , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 2623 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 194-207., (2020)Centralized distributed system for cyberattack detection in corporate network based on multifractal analysis., , , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 3156 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 421-431., (2022)Behavioral Model of a Smart Grid Cyberphysical System Functioning under the Influence of MitM Cyberattacks., , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 3373 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 628-637., (2023)Application of Multifactor Analysis for the Purpose of Detecting Malicious Software Implants of the Software in Local Computer Networks., , , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 2853 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 417-426., (2021)A Technique for Detection of Bots Which Are Using Polymorphic Code., , , , und . CN, Volume 431 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 265-276. Springer, (2014)Method of detecting cyberattacks on communication channels based on spectral clustering and machine learning methods., , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 3675 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 375-387., (2024)Approach for the unknown metamorphic virus detection., , , und . IDAACS, Seite 71-76. IEEE, (2017)