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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Can we cope with the curse of dimensionality in optimal control by using neural approximators?, , und . CDC, Seite 3540-3545. IEEE, (2001)Neural approximations for feedback optimal control of freeway systems., , , und . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 50 (1): 302-313 (2001)A Combinatorial Method for Health-Care Districting., , und . Optimization Techniques, Volume 40 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 116-130. Springer, (1975)Distributed-information neural control: the case of dynamic routing in traffic networks., , und . IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 12 (3): 485-502 (2001)A receding-horizon estimator for discrete-time linear systems., , , , und . ECC, Seite 3753-3758. IEEE, (2001)Neural approximation of team optimal dynamic routing in IP networks., , , , und . CDC, Seite 5140-5145. IEEE, (2004)Optimal control of communication in energy constrained sensor networks through team theory and Extended RItz Method., , , und . IJCNN, Seite 1372-1379. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Active identification of unknown systems: an information theoretic approach., , und . ACC, Seite 3826-3830. IEEE, (2004)Neural networks for the solution of information-distributed optimal control problems., , und . ESANN, Seite 79-84. (1998)Approximation structures with moderate complexity in functional optimization and dynamic programming., , , , und . CDC, Seite 1902-1908. IEEE, (2012)