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Sonderdruck (Nr. 3712) aus Elektrizitätswirtschaft, , , , , and . (1982-1984)Fachliche Modellierung von Informationssystemen: Methoden, Vorgehen, Werkzeuge, and . Addison-Wesley, Bonn, München, Paris ^^, 1. Aufl. edition, (1993)Wired cities - opportunities for small and medium sized cities on the information highway., , and . IFIP World Conference on IT Tools, page 3-10. Chapman & Hall, (1996)On Privacy-compliant Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties using Digital Watermarking., , , and . J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process., 2 (3): 270-281 (2011)The "Transparent Citizen" in Web 2.0 - Challenges of the "Virtual Striptease"., and . Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2 (4): 203-206 (2010)On Dinosaurs, Measurement Ideologists, Separatists, and Happy Souls - Proposing and Justifying a Way to Make the Global IS/BISE Community Happy., , , and . Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng., 4 (6): 307-315 (2012)Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus der Unternehmenspraxis, , and . Planungs- und organisationswissenschaftliche Schriften Kirsch, München, (1984)Sichere IT-Systeme., and . GI Jahrestagung (1), volume P-34 of LNI, page 87-90. GI, (2003)Das Management strategischer Programme, , and . Planungs- und organisationswissenschaftliche Schriften Kirsch, München, (1984)Vorwort., , and . MKWI, page 1339. Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, (2016)