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PHOAKS: A System for Sharing Recommendations, , и . Communications of the ACM, 40 (3): 59--62 (1997)The Dynamics of Mass Interaction, , , и . From Usenet to CoWebs - Interacting with Social Information Spaces, Springer, London, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.(2003)Experiments in social data mining: The TopicShop system, , , , и . ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., 10 (1): 54--85 (2003)Human-Computer Collaboration in Recommender Systems, и . In J. Carroll (Ed.), HCI on the new Millennium: Addison Wesley, (2001)From PHOAKS to TopicShop: Experiments in Social Data Mining, , и . From Usenet to CoWebs - Interacting with Social Information Spaces, Springer, London, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.(2003)