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The Risk Data Repository: A Novel Approach to Security Risk Modelling., , and . SEC, volume A-37 of IFIP Transactions, page 185-194. North-Holland, (1993)Security Modelling for Risk Analysis., and . SEC, volume 147 of IFIP, page 29-46. Kluwer / Springer, (2004)Evolving a Secure Internet., , and . SEC, volume 405 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 42-54. Springer, (2013)Background to the Development of a Curriculum for the History of "Cyber" and "Communications" Security., , and . World Conference on Information Security Education, volume 406 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 39-47. Springer, (2013)Security Risk Analysis for Complex Systems., , and . ISSA, page 1-12. ISSA, Pretoria, South Africa, (2006)Developing Threat Networks for Risk Analysis of Information Systems., and . ISSA, page 1-10. ISSA, Pretoria, South Africa, (2005)Information security for managers, , and . Macmillan, Houndmills u.a., (1989)Code of Practice: A Standard for Information Security Management., and . SEC, volume 92 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 78-90. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Feasibility of Automated Information Security Compliance Auditing., , , and . SEC, volume 278 of IFIP, page 493-508. Springer, (2008)Electronic Information Security Documentation., , and . ACSW, volume 21 of CRPIT, page 25-31. Australian Computer Society, (2003)