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Acquisition of Word-Object Associations by 14-Month-Old Infants, , , , and . Developmental Psychology, (in press)A Model of Infant Causal Perception and its Development, and . Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, page 182--187. Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum, (2001)An Information-Processing Approach to Infant Perception and Cognition. The Development of Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Capacities in Early Infancy: From Perception to Cognition, Psychology Press, East Sussex, UK, (1998)Do 7-Month-Old Infants Process Independent Features or Facial Configurations?, and . Infant and Child Development, 10 (1/2): 83--92 (2001)Precursors to Infants' Perception of the Causality of a Simple Event, and . Infant Behavior and Development, (1998)