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Energy aware and cluster-based routing protocols for large-scale ambient sensor networks., , и . AMBI-SYS, стр. 18. ICST, (2008)Toward Driver Intention Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles: A Deep Learning Approach., и . LCN, стр. 233-240. IEEE, (2021)Calibrating Bus Mobility Data for Bus-based Urban Vehicular Networks., , и . MSWiM, стр. 207-214. ACM, (2020)Efficient algorithm for serial data fusion in wireless sensor networks., , и . MSWiM, стр. 181-188. ACM, (2013)A reactive solution with a redundancy-based error correction mechanism for video dissemination over vehicular ad hoc networks., , и . MSWiM, стр. 343-352. ACM, (2012)Performance analysis of a distributed comparison-based self-diagnosis protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks., , и . MSWiM, стр. 165-172. ACM, (2006)Enhancing Path Stability Towards the Provision of Multimedia Support in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks., , и . ICC, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2010)An efficient QoS MAC for IEEE 802.11p over cognitive multichannel vehicular networks., , и . ICC, стр. 413-417. IEEE, (2012)Performance evaluation of movement prediction techniques for vehicular networks., и . ICC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Design of a fast handoff scheme for vehicular mesh networks with directional antennas., , и . DIVANet@MSWiM, стр. 97-100. ACM, (2011)