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Halbgott Computer - die fantastische Realität der 70er Jahre., и . BLV, (1972)Concentration results for a Brownian directed percolation problem, , и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 102 (2): 207--220 (декабря 2002)Reconstruction Thresholds on Regular Trees.. DRW, том AC из DMTCS Proceedings, стр. 191-204. DMTCS, (2003)Telecommunications and the computer (3. ed.).. Prentice Hall, (1990)Linear growth for greedy lattice animals. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 98 (1): 43--66 (марта 2002)Large Tandem Queueing Networks with Blocking.. Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 41 (1-2): 45-72 (2002)Batch queues, reversibility and first-passage percolation.. Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 62 (4): 411-427 (2009)Data communication technology., и . Prentice Hall, (1988)Principles of object-oriented analysis and design.. notThenot James Martin Books Prentice Hall, (1993)Computer networks and distributed processing - software, techniques and architecture.. Prentice Hall, (1981)