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Adaptive Pattern Matching with Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Graphs., , , , и . HiPC, стр. 92-101. IEEE, (2018)Learning Neural Representations for Predicting GPU Performance., , , и . ISC, том 11501 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 40-58. Springer, (2019)Hybrid Group Reflective Architecture for Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Programming., , и . ECOOP, том 512 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 231-250. Springer, (1991)OpenJIT: An Open-Ended, Reflective JIT Compiler Framework for Java., , , , , и . ECOOP, том 1850 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 362-387. Springer, (2000)Towards Convergence of Extreme Computing and Big Data Centers.. DIDC@HPDC, стр. 1. ACM, (2016)Interactive Beautification: A Technique for Rapid Geometric Design., , , и . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, стр. 105-114. ACM, (1997)Applying Temporal Blocking with a Directive-based Approach., , и . LLVM-HPC@SC, стр. 8:1-8:11. ACM, (2017)DRAGON: breaking GPU memory capacity limits with direct NVM access., , , , и . SC, стр. 32:1-32:13. IEEE / ACM, (2018)Generalized Local Propagation: A Framework for Solving Constraint Hierarchies., , и . CP, том 1118 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 237-251. Springer, (1996)A Multi GPU Read Alignment Algorithm with Model-Based Performance Optimization., , и . VECPAR, том 7851 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 270-277. Springer, (2012)