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Context in Discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems., , и . ECAI, стр. 205-212. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, (1996)Distributing problem solving on the Web using constraint technology., , и . ICTAI, стр. 42-49. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Process Chains of Machining Tools., , , и . CE, том 143 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 627-634. IOS Press, (2006)On Reformulation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems., и . ECAI, стр. 254-258. John Wiley and Sons, (1998)Java Constraint Library: bringing constraints technology on the Internet using the Java language., , и . AAAI Workshop: Constraints & Agents, стр. 21-25. AAAI Press, (1997)Product Configuration Frameworks-A Survey, и . IEEE Intelligent Systems, (июля 1998)Abstraction by Interchangeability in Resource Allocation., , и . IJCAI, стр. 1694-1703. Morgan Kaufmann, (1995)Structuring Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems., и . IJCAI (1), стр. 418-423. Morgan Kaufmann, (1997)