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Other publications of authors with the same name

Growth theory. The Radcliffe lectures delivered in the University of Warwick Oxford Univ. Pr., New York u.a., New paperbound ed edition, (1988)A critical essay on modern macroeconomic theory, and . Blackwell, Oxford, (1997)Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 39 (3): 312--320 (1957)Growth theory. The Radcliffe lectures delivered in the University of Warwick Oxford Univ. Press, New York u.a., 2. ed., printing edition, (2000)Die Krise der USA, , and . Keip, Frankfurt am Main, (1990)The nature and sources of unemployment in the United States. The Wicksell lectures Almquist Wiksell, Stockholm u.a., (1964)Does fiscal policy matter?, and . Journal of Public Economics, 2 (4): 319--337 (1973)Linear Programming and Economic Analysis, , and . Dover Pubns, (1987)Monopolistic competition and macroeconomic theory. Federico Caffé lectures Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., Reprinted edition, (1999)Growth theory. Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1971)