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Application of Computer Vision Techniques for Segregation of PlasticWaste based on Resin Identification Code.

, , and . CoRR, (2020)

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Application of Computer Vision Techniques for Segregation of PlasticWaste based on Resin Identification Code., , and . CoRR, (2020)One-Shot learning based classification for segregation of plastic waste., , and . DICTA, page 1-3. IEEE, (2020)Dynamic kernel scatter-difference-based discriminant analysis for diagnosis of Tennessee Eastman process., , , and . ACC, page 3417-3422. IEEE, (2009)A Novel Superstructure-based Approach to Batch Process Scheduling Problems., , and . CoDIT, page 1237-1242. IEEE, (2024)Neuro-fuzzy networks-dynamic modeling and performance enhancement incorporating process knowledge., and . ACC, page 4796-4801. IEEE, (2001)Fuzzy segregation based identification and control of nonlinear dynamic systems., and . ACC, page 3515-3520. IEEE, (2001)Detection of Oral Potentially Malignant Lesions Through Transformer-Based Segmentation Models., , , , , and . ICPR (5), volume 15305 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 318-332. Springer, (2024)Prediction of batch quality indices using functional space approximation and partial least squares., , , and . ACC, page 4523-4528. IEEE, (2008)Control relevant identification with steady state gain matching., and . ECC, page 1422-1427. IEEE, (2001)Discriminatory learning based performance monitoring of batch processes., , , and . ACC, page 2552-2557. IEEE, (2011)