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Probing the transformation of discontinuous associations into episodic memory: An event-related fMRI study, , , , , и . NeuroImage, 38 (1): 212--222 (октября 2007)Simulation Analysis of Synchronous Walking Control for Centaur System., , , , , , и . ICIRA (7), том 14273 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 154-163. Springer, (2023)Research on City Area Traffic Generation Analysis Based on Multi-source Big Data., , , и . ICIT, стр. 493-498. ACM, (2021)Making graph visualization a user-centered process., , , и . J. Vis. Lang. Comput., (2018)Motor imagery EEG classification based on ensemble support vector learning., , , , , и . Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., (2020)Adaptive Secure Transmission Based on Collaborative Communication in Smart Grids., , и . IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 14 (1): 823-832 (2023)DGViewer: A Hybrid Approach towards Visualisation of Dynamic Networks., , , , и . IV, стр. 63-67. IEEE, (2020)Two Cameras Vision Model for the 3D Shape Recovery., , , и . ICNC (5), стр. 246-250. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Pattern based Declarative Constraint Solution for Model-Driven Service Deployment., , и . IEEE SCC, стр. 711-712. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)A Novel Fingerprint Bifurcation Extraction Algorithm Based on Neural Network Template Matching., , и . ISCSCT (2), стр. 234-237. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)