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Other publications of authors with the same name

Assessing the Quality and Cleaning of a Software Project Data Set: An Experience Report., , , and . EASE, BCS, (2006)Dealing with Missing Software Project Data., , and . IEEE METRICS, page 154-165. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)An empirical view of inheritance.. Inf. Softw. Technol., 40 (14): 795-799 (1998)Predicting With Sparse Data., and . IEEE METRICS, page 28-. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Issues on the Effective Use of CBR Technology for Software Project Prediction., , and . ICCBR, volume 2080 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 276-290. Springer, (2001)A Replication of the Use of Regression towards the Mean (R2M) as an Adjustment to Effort Estimation Models., and . IEEE METRICS, page 38. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An empirical investigation into metrics for object-oriented software.. Bournemouth University, Poole, UK, (1998)British Library, EThOS.