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Inter-university project based on LEGO NXT., , , , и . CCA/ISIC, стр. 1248-1253. IEEE, (2009)First-hop Redundancy Protocols in Omnet++., , и . SIMULTECH, стр. 331-339. SciTePress, (2017)Automation of MitM Attack on Wi-Fi Networks., , и . ICDF2C, том 216 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 207-220. Springer, (2017)Designing algorithm-oriented generic library on .NET framework., , и . ECBS, стр. 159-163. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Network Forensic Analysis for Lawful Enforcement on Steroids, Distributed and Scalable., , и . ECBS, стр. 20:1-20:9. ACM, (2019)Big Data Network Flow Processing Using Apache Spark., и . ECBS, стр. 9:1-9:9. ACM, (2019)Pattern Detection based Network Diagnostics., , и . ICETE (1), стр. 35-42. ScitePress, (2020)A formal model of composing components: the TLA+ approach., и . Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 5 (2): 139-148 (2009)What do incident response practitioners need to know? A skillmap for the years ahead., , , , , , и . Digit. Investig., (2021)Combination of simulation and formal methods to analyse network survivability., , , и . SimuTools, стр. 57. ICST/ACM, (2010)