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Study on the albedo of winter wheat at growing period with different spatial scales.

, , , , , and . IGARSS, page 4077-4079. IEEE, (2004)

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Review of Land Surface Albedo: Variance Characteristics, Climate Effect and Management Strategy., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). Remote. Sens., 14 (6): 1382 (2022)A simple interpretation of NDVI-Ts space combining LAI and evapotranspiration., , , , and . IGARSS, page 3611-3614. IEEE, (2004)Evaluation of BRDF archetypes from MODIS multi-angular observations., , , and . IGARSS, page 4738-4741. IEEE, (2014)Research about the bidirectional NDVI based on kernel-driven models., , , , and . IGARSS, page 1949-1952. IEEE, (2015)To derive a prior database of archetypal BRDF shapes from ground measurements using anisotropic flat index (AFX)., , and . IGARSS, page 6753-6756. IEEE, (2012)Sensitivity of BRDF Sampling to Albedo and Angle Index Based on Airborne Multiangle Data., , , , , , , , , and . IGARSS, page 6696-6699. IEEE, (2019)A Method for Improving the Accuracy of the Moderate Resolution LAI Product Based on the Mixed-Pixel Clumping Index., , , , , and . IGARSS, page 4303-4306. IEEE, (2020)Potential Investigation of Linking PROSAIL with the Ross-Li BRDF Model for Vegetation Characterization., , , , , , , , , and . Remote. Sens., 10 (3): 437 (2018)The Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Retrieval of Clumping Index Based on Polder and Modis Data., , , , , , , , , and . IGARSS, page 6754-6756. IEEE, (2021)An Angular Index to Indicate Surface Heterogeneous Behaviors from MODIS., , , , , , and . IGARSS (3), page 770-773. IEEE, (2008)