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Exact synthesis of bandpass responses using an isolated cascade connection of same order lowpass and highpass filters., и . ISCAS (1), стр. 153-156. IEEE, (2004)Simulation and Experimental Study of a Power Amplifier Behaviour to Enhance Relay Node Co-operative SDR Platform: Performance Analysis., и . CCWC, стр. 889-894. IEEE, (2022)Through-the-Wall Surveillance With Millimeter-Wave LFMCW Radars., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 47 (6): 1796-1805 (2009)Hardware Platform for Layer 2 IAB Architecture based on a Transceiver Manufactured at 26 GHz., и . MeditCom, стр. 305-310. IEEE, (2023)Propagation Characterization Based on Ray-Tracing at 60 GHz Band: A Typical Indoor Office Scenario and Validation Measurements., , и . SPAWC, стр. 346-350. IEEE, (2023)A two-hop MIMO relay architecture using LTE and millimeter wave bands in high speed trains., и . WCNC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)SPICE implementation of nonuniform frequency-dependent transmission lines., и . ISCAS, стр. 2299-2302. IEEE, (1993)A Software Defined Radio Platform for Decode and Forward Relay Nodes Implementation., , и . CSCN, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Performance Evaluation of a proposed Two-Hop D&F Co-operative 5G Network using SDR Platform., и . VTC Spring, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2022)Novel Out-of-Band mmWave Layer 2 Protocol for 5G Network-Based Downlink IAB SDR Platform., , и . VTC2023-Spring, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2023)