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Prospects for constructing remote laboratories for the study of cognitive systems., , и . IDAACS, стр. 965-968. IEEE, (2017)The Remote Experimentation as the Practical-Oriented Basis of Inclusive Engineering Education., , , , , и . Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng., 15 (5): 4-17 (2019)IT Infrastructure for Research and Teaching Combining an Online Lab, a UAV and Audio-Visual Communication., , , и . Int. J. Online Eng., 9 (5): 39-44 (2013)Virtual Model for Remote Laboratory Smart House & IoT., , , , , , и . IDAACS, стр. 985-990. IEEE, (2019)Digital Twins in Remote Labs., , и . REV, 80, стр. 289-297. Springer, (2019)Interactive Content Objects for Learning Digital Systems Design., , , и . IMCL, том 909 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 59-69. Springer, (2018)Learning analytics in online remote labs., , и ., стр. 255-260. IEEE, (2015)A Concept for a Flexible and Scalable Infrastructure for Remote Laboratories - Robustness in Remote Engineering Laboratories., , и . ImViReLL, том 282 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 13-24. Springer, (2012)Remote and Virtual Laboratories in Problem-Based Learning Scenarios., , и . ISM, стр. 377-382. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Learning management systems: Coupled simulations and assessments in a digital systems course., и . Interact. Technol. Smart Educ., 6 (2): 97-107 (2009)