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A Case Study of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Testing: An Application of Current Testing Using the Upper Limit and the Lower Limit., , и . ISCAS, стр. 77-80. IEEE, (1994)An application of cellular logic for high speed decoding of minimum-redundancy codes., , , и . AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference (1), том 41 из AFIPS Conference Proceedings, стр. 345-351. AFIPS / ACM / Thomson Book Company, Washington D.C., (1972)A fault-tolerant parallel processor modeled by a linear cellular automaton., и . FTCS, стр. 334-339. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)Economical display generation of a large character set., и . AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference, том 35 из AFIPS Conference Proceedings, стр. 569-573. AFIPS / ACM, (1969)A Fault-Tolerant FFT Processor., и . FTCS, стр. 128-135. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)