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Simulation Electromagnetic Waves Web as Innovative Methodology to Improve the Quality of Electronic and Computer Engineering Formation., , , , , , and . CSEDU (2), page 231-236. SciTePress, (2011)Telematic Detection and Acquisition of Prior Knowledge of Physics Necessary for Engineering Students - Zero Course., , , , , and . CSEDU (1), page 383-386. INSTICC Press, (2010)Pattern recognition techniques in handoff and service area determination., , and . VTC, page 96-100. IEEE, (1994)Cauchy Distribution for Jitter in IP Networks., , , and . CONIELECOMP, page 35-40. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Analysis of IP Network Path Capacity Estimation Using a Variable Packet Size Method., , , and . CONIELECOMP, page 177-182. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)RTT Prediction in Heavy Tailed Networks., , , , and . IEEE Communications Letters, 18 (4): 700-703 (2014)MIMO channel capacity using antenna selection and water pouring., , and . EURASIP J. Wireless Comm. and Networking, (2014)Network Coding for Security in Wireless Reconfigurable Networks., , , and . Wireless Networks and Security, Springer, (2013)FBM mobility modeling for nomadic subscribers., , and . ISCC, page 315-319. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Heavy Tailed Network Delay: An Alpha-Stable., , , , , and . Computación y Sistemas, (2006)