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Who is Speaking? Speaker-Aware Multiparty Dialogue Act Classification., , и . EMNLP (Findings), стр. 10122-10135. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2023)Towards a Resource-aware Thing Composition Approach., , , , , и . HPCS, стр. 803-809. IEEE, (2019)Blockchain and Smart Healthcare Security: A Survey., , , и . FNC/MobiSPC, том 175 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 615-620. Elsevier, (2020)OWL-T for a Semantic Description of IoT., , , , и . ADBIS (Short Papers), том 1259 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 108-117. Springer, (2020)URL-BERT: Training Webpage Representations via Social Media Engagements., , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)EMONA: Event-level Moral Opinions in News Articles., , , , , , и . NAACL-HLT, стр. 5239-5251. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2024)