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Maximum flow minimum cost algorithm for reconstruction of images represented on the triangular grid., , and . SACI, page 35-40. IEEE, (2013)Discrete tomography on the triangular grid based on Ryser's results., , and . ISPA, page 801-806. IEEE, (2013)Modified Distance Metric That Generates Better Performance For The Authentication Algorithm Based On Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics., and . SACI, page 455-460. IEEE, (2021)Reconstruction of Binary Images Represented on Equilateral Triangular Grid Using Evolutionary Algorithms., , and . SOFA, volume 195 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 561-571. Springer, (2012)On the Generation of Random Data for Auto-Generative Learning Objects., , , and . SACI, page 161-166. IEEE, (2019)Parkinson's disease prediction using diffusion-based atlas approach., , , , , and . Computer-Aided Diagnosis, volume 7624 of SPIE Proceedings, page 762426. SPIE, (2010)Fast algorithm for the extraction of a space-time window in finite volume meshes., and . SACI, page 327-330. IEEE, (2011)Middle School Arithmetic Auto-Generative Learning Objects to Support Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic., , and . SACI, page 39-44. IEEE, (2021)Towards Auto-Generative Learning Objects for Industrial IT Services., , and . SACI, page 155-160. IEEE, (2018)Dense and Sparse Optic Flows Aggregation for Accurate Motion Segmentation in Monocular Video Sequences., , and . ICIAR (1), volume 7324 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 208-215. Springer, (2012)