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TMC: Pay-as-you-Go Distributed Communication., , , , , , , , и . APNet, стр. 15-21. ACM, (2019)Multiplayer pervasive games and networked interactive installations using ad hoc mobile sensor networks., , , , , , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, том 422 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 453. ACM, (2009)Query-efficient Partitions for Dynamic Data., , и . APSys, стр. 23:1-23:8. ACM, (2017)Mir: Automated Quantifiable Privilege Reduction Against Dynamic Library Compromise in JavaScript., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2020)The future of the shell: Unix and beyond., , и . HotOS, стр. 240-241. ACM, (2021)From Lone Dwarfs to Giant Superclusters: Rethinking Operating System Abstractions for the Cloud., , и . HotOS, USENIX Association, (2015)Themis: A Secure Decentralized Framework for Microservice Interaction in Serverless Computing., , , и . ARES, стр. 10:1-10:11. ACM, (2022)The Web as a Distributed Computing Platform., , , и . EdgeSys@MobiSys, стр. 7-12. ACM, (2018)Ignis: scaling distribution-oblivious systems with light-touch distribution., , , , , и . PLDI, стр. 1010-1026. ACM, (2019)An Order-aware Dataflow Model for Extracting Shell Script Parallelism., , , и . CoRR, (2020)