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The experience trap, , и . Harvard Business Review, 86 (2): 94-101 (2008)The impact of unreliable information on the management of software projects: a dynamic decision perspective., и . IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A, 26 (2): 177-189 (1996)Cognitive Feedback in GDSS: Improving Control and Convergence., и . MIS Q., 17 (1): 87-113 (1993)Integrated Analysis and Design of Knowledge Systems and Processes., , и . Inf. Resour. Manag. J., 13 (1): 24-43 (2000)Designing Workflow Management Systems for Virtual Organizations: An Empirically Grounded Approach., и . HICSS (4), стр. 365-373. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)One Conference, Many Options: the Ways to Sort Your Knowledge in a Conference., , и . MCIS, стр. 72. AISeL, (2010)Improving the Communicational Effectiveness of Virtual Organizations through Workflow Automation., и . Int. J. Electron. Commer., 3 (1): 49-69 (1998)Modeling Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Concepts, Methods, and Applications - Minitrack Introduction., и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Modeling Knowledge Intensive Processes: Concepts, Methods, and Applications - Introduction., и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Multimedia in a design rationale decision support system., и . Decis. Support Syst., 15 (3): 181-196 (1995)