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How do interruptions affect clinician performance in healthcare? Negotiating fidelity, control, and potential generalizability in the search for answers., и . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., (2015)Emergency Medical Equipment Storage: Benefits of Visual Cues Tested in Field and Simulated Settings., , , , , и . Hum. Factors, 56 (5): 958-972 (2014)"It's okay, honey... shhh..." - The Media Equation and Computers-Are-Social-Actors-Hypothesis in Acute Care: "Ist ja gut, Schätzelein... shhh..." - Die Media Equation und Computers-Are-Social-Actors-Hypothese in der Akutmedizin., , , и . MuC, стр. 265-269. ACM, (2021)Typische vs. untypische Platzierung von Webobjekten mobiler Websiten., , , и . MuC, стр. 425-428. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2017)Multiple Patient Monitoring in the Operating Room using a Head-Mounted Display., , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM, (2018)Design and Evaluation of a Head-Worn Display Application for Multi-Patient Monitoring., , , , и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 879-890. ACM, (2021)User experience in safety-critical domains: a survey on motivational orientations and psychological need satisfaction in acute care., , , и . Cogn. Technol. Work., 24 (2): 247-260 (2022)Head-Worn Displays and Spearcons: Supporting Multiple Patient Monitoring, , , , , и . Applied Ergonomics, (2019)Interruptions in Health Care: Assessing Their Connection With Error and Patient Harm., , и . Hum. Factors, (2019)Commission Errors – Determined to do the wrong thing?, и . 5th International Conference on Prospective Memory, 5th International Conference on Prospective Memory, (2018)