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Mobile recommendations based on interest prediction from consumer's installed apps-insights from a large-scale field study., , , , , and . Inf. Syst., (2017)Fintechs and the New wave of Financial Intermediaries., , , and . PACIS, page 3. (2019)Product as a Service: Enabling Physical Products as Service End-Points., and . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2014)From Shopping Aids to Fully Autonomous Mobile Self-checkouts - A Field Study in Retail., , , and . Wirtschaftsinformatik, (2017)Towards High Resolution Identification of Variety-seeking Behavior., and . ECIS, (2014)Efficient Encoding and Transmission of Digital Receipts for Mobile Commerce., , , and . ICMB, page 14. Association for Information Systems, (2013)FinMARS: A Mobile App Rating Scale for Finance Apps., , , and . ICICM, page 6-11. ACM, (2019)Towards Tailoring Digital Food Labels: Insights of a Smart-RCT on User-specific Interpretation of Food Composition Data., , , and . MADiMa @ ACM Multimedia, page 67-75. ACM, (2019)Using Sensor Information to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Perishable Goods., , and . IEEE Pervasive Comput., 8 (1): 22-29 (2009)Reality-Mining with Smartphones: Detecting and Predicting Life Events based on App Installation Behavior., , and . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2015)