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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Falx Cerebri Segmentation via Multi-atlas Boundary Fusion., , , , und . MICCAI (1), Volume 10433 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 92-99. Springer, (2017)Automated Segmentation of Sulcal Regions., , , und . MICCAI, Volume 1679 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 158-167. Springer, (1999)Deep learning of resting state networks from independent component analysis., , , , und . ISBI, Seite 747-751. IEEE, (2018)Longitudinal intensity normalization in the presence of multiple sclerosis lesions., , , , , , und . ISBI, Seite 1384-1387. IEEE, (2013)Automated Reconstruction of the Cerebral Cortex in Multiple Sclerosis Patients., , , und . ISBI, Seite 1334-1337. IEEE, (2009)Joint Image and Label Self-super-Resolution., , , , , und . SASHIMI@MICCAI, Volume 12965 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 14-23. Springer, (2021)AdaBoosted Deep Ensembles: Getting Maximum Performance Out of Small Training Datasets., , , , und . MLMI@MICCAI, Volume 12436 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 572-582. Springer, (2020)Topology Preserving Tissue Classification with Fast Marching and Topology Templates., und . IPMI, Volume 3565 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 234-245. Springer, (2005)Clustering of High Dimensional Longitudinal Imaging Data., , , , , und . PRNI, Seite 33-36. IEEE, (2013)Patch Based Synthesis of Whole Head MR Images: Application To EPI Distortion Correction., , , , und . SASHIMI@MICCAI, Volume 9968 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 146-156. (2016)