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Real-Time Physically-Accurate Simulation of Robotic Snap Connection Process., , , и . IROS, стр. 5173-5180. IEEE, (2021)Assessment of Unconsciousness for Memory Consolidation Using EEG Signals., , и . SMC, стр. 513-519. IEEE, (2020)Interior Tomography Using 1D Generalized Total Variation. Part II: Multiscale Implementation., , , , и . SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 8 (4): 2452-2486 (2015)Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Visual Imagery for Intuitive Brain-Computer Interface., и . BCI, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2020)Decoding Visual Responses based on Deep Neural Networks with Ear-EEG Signals., и . BCI, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Spatio-temporal analysis of EEG signal during consciousness using convolutional neural network., , , , , , и . BCI, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2018)Functional Connectivity of Imagined Speech and Visual Imagery based on Spectral Dynamics., , и . BCI, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Drowsy Driving Prevention IoT System: Waking Up the Driver Through Responsiveness Check., , , , , , , , , и . ICTC, стр. 429-434. IEEE, (2022)Which motor cortical region best predicts imagined movement?, , , , , , и . NeuroImage, (2015)Feasibility of Measuring Shot Group Using LoRa Technology and YOLO V5., , , , , , , и . SAS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2022)