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The Effects of Supraharmonic Distortion in MV and LV AC Grids., and . Sensors, 24 (8): 2465 (April 2024)Time-Domain Power Theory Applied to Waveform Distortion Assessment of AC Railways., , and . AMPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2024)Data-driven assessment of VI diagrams for inference on pantograph quantities waveform distortion in AC railways., , , and . Comput. Electr. Eng., (2024)Variability of EMI Measurement for Switched Mode Power Supplies EMI in the 2-1000 kHz Range., and . AMPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Power quality metering unit with networking capability., and . EUROCON, page 831-836. IEEE, (2013)Characterization of the radio propagation channel aboard trains for optimal coverage at 2.45GHz., , , and . M&N, page 195-199. IEEE, (2013)Behaviour of Spectral Active Power Terms for the Swiss 15 kV 16.7 Hz Railway System.. AMPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Power Quality Event Analysis in 25 kV 50 Hz AC Railway System Networks., , , , and . AMPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Variability Caused by Setup and Operating Conditions for Conducted EMI of Switched Mode Power Supplies Over the 2-1000 kHz Interval., , and . IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., (2022)Experimental results on low rail-to-rail conductance values., and . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 54 (3): 1219-1222 (2005)